Building a kehillah kedoshah from Iyyar to Av.
Come together with family and friends to celebrate Shabbat.
Our goal is to provide an egalitarian, affirming, lay-led minyan to the Bryan/College Station area during the summer months. We got our start in May of 2019, and we hope to continue this service long into the future!
Join a minyan without missing mealtime.
Shabbat is a time for rest- and not only for the soul! Give your kitchen a break and nosh with us before or after services every Friday during summer. You can find our tentative menu and RSVP form on our About page!
Help our community flourish.
We’re not just eating and singing here. With your help, we’re going to build a foundation for the future of our community.

“See, how good and how pleasant is it for families to rest together.”
— Shabbat Hymn